Ramayana in pictues. Picture 3

One day when the sons had not yet grown up, a holy man named Vishvamitra came to King Dasharatha. He had a difficult and important request. He wanted Rama to accompany him in order to destroy two demons (raksasas): Marica and Subahu. The demons were disturbing Vishvamitra in his important holy services (Yajna). They were throwing stones on the fire and they attempted in many other ways preventing the holy man from carrying out the rituals needed for the whole community.

 ”Give me your eldest son, Rama, the hero with hair black like a raven! He will be able to destroy the demons, due to his divine heritage and with my help”, Vishvamitra said.

Dasharatha did not want Rama to embark on such a dangerous task. The boy was still young and was not prepared for this kind of difficult endeavours. Vishvamitra assured him that Rama was the only human being who at all would be able to kill the demons.

”Remember, you did not get your son by your own power. Now you have to share your gift. I assure you that those two raksasas will be killed without damaging Rama.” So Vishvamitra spoke.

Dasharatha wanted under no circumstances Rama to fight the demons. Vishvamitra became so angry that the earth was trembling and even the gods feared his wrath. Then Dasharatha’s counselor said:

 ”Honoured king, you are always faithful to dharma. You know it’s impossible to go against dharma. Your duty is to trust Vishvamitra. ”

After a long time of persuasion, the king understood that he had no choice. He sent for Rama and with him came the inseparable friend and half-brother Laksmana.

Picture 3. Vishvamitra and the boys take farewell of their father, king

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