
Sailing boats sweep around me. Fluttering sails or tightly hauled jibs. From our first small dinghy to the last Da Capo catamaran. Sailing in the Stockholm archipelago for thirty years creates so many memories. Always an island in our way or outside of the island some cay. Once a rudder broke and we had to stay three nights in an island harbour to get it fixed. My woollen sweater reminds me of those days. I had nothing else to do than knitting.

Hauling sails

swimming keels

summer satisfaction

From lazy leeward sailing to quick and somewhat frightening tacking (at least when the children were small) 

jibs are hauled up wind

rudders turning quickly

seagulls whoop

We had to bow when the boom turned. It may come very quickly.


every turn in tack

puts my life at risk

But once in leeward on an island, we all can rest.

2 reaktioner på ”Sailing”

  1. Wonderful memories. Although we live right by a world class sailing marina I never sailed in a yacht till about four years ago when I did a short course. It was challenging because I have chronic pain but it was also exhilarating. I loved it.

    1. How nice to hear! Of course it is necessary to know what you have to do on water: we always had swimming wests on, always were very careful when tacking (especially when the main sail turns swiftly) and so we could enjoy with my husband as a very competent captain.

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